

Η πρόταση της ομάδας επελέγη να συμμετέχει στην έκθεση που πραγματοποιεί ο διαγωνισμός 'd3 Housing Tomorrow 2013'. Η έκθεση θα λάβει χώρα στο Houston, Texas USA στο Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture of the University of Houston (Φεβρουάριο - Μάρτιο 2014).

Το έργο τους θα συμπεριληφθεί και στην έντυπη έκδοση του διαγωνισμού αλλά και στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του.

* Ο Διαγωνισμός εκπονήθηκε στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος http://www.arch.upatras.gr/#/study/undergraduate/574/

HA119 - Statement of Design

Intent The main idea consists of two phases:

a) We select an abandoned area and recycle all materials from existing buildings that are not used anymore in order to make soil rehabilitation and restoration of the place

b) We create new habitation units using recycled materials, which have the smallest possible environmental footprint, are energy independent and help purify the environment as well.

Regarding the recovery of soil we follow these steps :

- we recycle the existing materials

- we design a new configuration of the soil, which resembles its natural condition

- we keep important traces of the pre-existing city

Regarding the design of new habitation units:

- the new units are created from recycled materials

- in order to meet their energy needs they use two renewable energy sources: geothermal energy and wave energy, so

- the new units are constantly moving from the mountain to the sea and back again, via an air network

We envision that the man of the future will try to reverse or delay the destruction of the planet, converting all derelict areas ( outbreaks of infection ) into lungs of the planet. His main occupation will be the continuous purge of the environment and the way of living will be entirely adjusted to this objective.