Diplomated Architect- Engineer, N.T.U.A. (National Technical University of Athens), Greece (1982);
Post-Professional Master of Architecture (1986), Master of Science in Arch. Studies (1988), Ph.D. (1994), University of Texas at Austin, USA.
- Over 15 years of academic experience at UT Austin, USA [Professor C.A.E.E. (Civil, Arch. & Env. Eng.)]
- Professor in Greece since 2004; Department Chair 2013-2015.
- 6 Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Outstanding Academic Performance in the USA [Martin Lokheed Award for Excellence in Eng. Teaching by an Assistant Prof.; Engineering Foundation Young Faculty Award; Brown & Root Outstanding Faculty Award in the Arch. Eng. Program, UT Austin, etc.].
- Recipient of the Word Architecture Festival “2020 Water Research Award.”
- Practiced in Arch. Firms in Europe and USA [Nicolic-Ungers, Kassel, Germany; Charles Moore & Assoc., Austin, TX, USA, etc.].
- Awards & Distinctions in Arch. Competitions (Development of the Panaya peninsula, Kavala, Greece; Redesign of the Theatre Square, Athens, Greece etc)
- Research in computational design, and advanced applications in construction; light and deployable structures, tensile structures, sustainable design, daylight etc.
- Professional and Academic Work Exhibited in Int’l Exhibitions [FORM & FORCE Int. Exhibition of Innovative Structures, Barcelona, 2019; Space Time Existence, European Culture Center, Palazzo Mora, 16th Biennale Architettura, Venice 2018; STRAND Exhibition Belgrade 2016; FUTURE VISIONS - Innovative Structures Exhibition-Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam, 2015; UTSOA Alumni Centennial Exhibition, USA, 2010; Biennale of Young Architects 1998], and in National Exhibitions [7th National Architectural Exhibition; 2011 Patras IQ, Patras, 2004-2017; Messolonghi Lagoon Observatories, Messolonghi by Locals Hub, 2022 etc.].
- Participation in Int’l Scientific and Professional Working groups [IASS-Structural Morphology Group, US Transportation Research Board-Visualization in Transportation Task Force (TRB VIZ)];
- Participation in Scientific Committees of Int’l Conferences [IEEE-IV, ECAADE, ACADIA, CAMA, LIMAS].
- Journal paper Reviewer [Int’l Journal of Space Structures-IJSS, Journal of Eng. Management-ASCE, Int. Journal of Architectural Computing-IJAC, Journal of Const. Management and Economics, IEEE-Journal of Coordinated & Multiple Views, Journal of Automation in Construction].
- Invited Speaker in Int’l Meetings and Conferences [LIMAS 2019, London, 2019; Tectonics and Architecture, Sapienza University, Rome 2017; Int. Conference in Structures and Architecture-ICSA 2016, Transportation Research Board–TRB 2010 USA, Bentley Int. Conferences 2006, etc.].
- Invited Lecturer, Phd in Structural Engineering program, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 2022-2023.
- Reviewer for NSF (National Science Foundation) CE-GM Proposals, and European Union Expert [FP7-Horizon 20-20 for Environment, Space Structures, etc.].
- Funding for over 10 Research Projects and Competitive Programs from USA Research Institutions [NSF (National Science Foundation), NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), DOT (Dept. of Transportation) etc.].
- Funding from the Greek Ministry of Culture-project: Messolonghi observatories-, and from the HFRI (Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation) competitive programs- project: UBWARM.
- Funding from EU HORIZON, NEB (New European Bauhaus) research program -project: HERITACT, PD: UPatras,
- Funding for 2 state-of-the-art Teaching and Research Labs (funded by DELL Foundation and UT start-up funds).
- More than 120 Peer-Reviewed Publications in Int’l Archival Journals and Conference Proceedings;
- Holds US and EU Patents: Tensegrity Unit, Structure and Method for Construction (US) & Deployable Display Structure (EU).
- Invited Associate Editor of the ASCE Journal of Arch. Engineering and Invited Guest Editor of the ASCE - JAE Special Collection «Reconfigurable Structures»