Michelangelo Sabatino
Professor & Director PhD Program in Architecture
College of Architecture, IΙT, Chicaco
Online lecture:
“NORTH–SOUTH The Mediterranean and the Histories of Modern Architecture”
Zoom link: https://upatras-gr.zoom.us/j/93289387894?pwd=WS9JS01KZjU4OFJ4Wmk4S2pGaHc...
Live streaming: www.facebook.com/PatrasSchoolofArchitecture
Michelangelo Sabatino is trained as an architect, preservationist, and historian in universities in Canada, Italy, and the United States. His award-winning research broadly addresses intersections between culture, technology, and design in the built environment. From his research on preindustrial vernacular traditions and their influence on modern architectures of the Mediterranean region, to his current project, which looks at the transnational forces that have shaped the architecture, infrastructure, and landscape of the Americas over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, he has trained new light on larger patterns of architectural discourse and production.