Panos Kouros. Constructing the Public Sphere: Topical Works 2002-07.
Patras: Department of Architecture and Futura Editions, 2007.
This publication documents art reasearch and interventions in public space that were performed
in Patras by the students of the Department of Architecture, University of Patras, within the framework of the visual arts courses.
These research and educational activities aim to draw attention to discourses οη the sites of contemporary art in post-Internet age, such as interhuman communication, the aesthetics of participation, the design of duration, and open content-open source environments; to pose questions οη the spatial perception of art and architecture, and the construction of identity and memory in the city's multinational landscapes; to sensitize people to diverse ways of understanding everyday space; and to provide meanings that broaden the basis of the act of designing. Finally, they aim to link the space of architecture and art education with everyday life and the city, creating bridges of knowledge among its inhabitants and its students.