Architect. A.A Dipl (Hons) RIBA, Hons Grad Dipl. A.A
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Patras
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Studied at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. From 1980 to 1982, during his postgraduate studies, taught architectural composition at the same institute. Since then, he has participated as lecturer and visiting tutor at the University of Cambridge, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña, Master's Degree Course “The Large scale” and at the Centre for Architectural Research in Athens, of which he is a founding member. Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, University of Patras (Teaching and Research Staff member).
Collaboration with ETH, Zurich and NTUA Athens, in various educational activities and intensive workshops.
Visiting Scholar at the school of Architecture, The Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University. Faculty sponsor, professor Peter Carl. (March 2016 – February 2017). Research on phenomena and processes of urban transformation of contemporary Landscapes and territories: "Formations in the Landscape”. The study of the ways with which man has used the natural landscape and at the same time how the natural landscape configured its cultural structure.
Speaker at educational institutions and conferences in Greece and abroad. Numerous distinctions and awards in PanHellenic and International Competitions.
Exhibitions: “Architecture and Continuity”, London and Athens 1982. Proposals for the Acropolis Museum, Athens 1990. Biennale, Venice 1991. "Techne and Metis", Athens 1994. “Landscapes of the Intimate", ΧΙΧ Triennale, Milan 1996. "Landscapes of Modernisation”, Greek Architecture 1960-1990, Rotterdam and Barcelona 1999. Venice Biennale, 2000 and 2002. "Athens-Scape", RIBA London 2003. WALLS, PanHellenic Architectural Exhibition 2009. Public Space Wanted 2011. Code Patras, rail+city 2015. Publications : AA Files, AA Themes I, Architectural Design, Building Magazine, Architektonika Themata, Tefchos, Themata Chorou kai Technon, Newsletter of Architects’ Association, Ellinikes Kataskeves, Ideal Architecture (Korean Architect), Archis, Interni, Stauba, DOMES.
Consultant to Hachette-Rizzoli editions for Greece, Window+Voyager magazines.
In 1984, sets up ΜΙΜΝΕRΜΟU 2 ΑRCHITECTS studio. Through its project designs, the studio promotes research on redefining the limits of architectural praxis and developing a syntax for a contemporary Architectural Script. Member of the TCG (Technical Chamber of Greece) and SADAS (Association of Greek Architects) since 1982. Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (R.I.B.A) and of the Architectural Association since 1980.
Phenomena and processes of urban transformation of contemporary Landscapes and territories : The study of the ways with which man has used the natural landscape and at the same time how the natural landscape configured its cultural structure. The notion of formation (διάπλασις) involves describing all the physical and cultural landscapes (τόποι) to determine the connection between culture and the landscape.
“Formations in the Landscape". The evolution of the urban space from a territorially integrated entity to a concept/notion of a broader geographic periphery, which is spatially dispersed beyond traditional models of planning and design concerning primary urban centers leads to a different reading of urban geography. The recognition of this "landscape", which constitutes by now a new reality, must project alternative designs and strategies of spatial organization that will give priority to the city/polis itself that constitutes the ultimate frame of reference and foundation for any architectural meaning.