Architect, B.Sc. / Dipl. Αrch. / M.Sc., Bartlett School, University College, London (1975-1981). Teaching since 2010 at the Inter-Departmental Postgraduate Programme ‘Architectural Design, Space, Culture’, National Technical University Athens. Has also taught at Harokopeio University, ΑΚΤΟ School of Art and Design, Athens College. President, 'Hellenic Institute of Architecture' (since 2012). Vice President, 'Hellenic Society of Aesthetics'(since 2014). Member, Board of Directors, I. & E. Topali Foundation (since 2016). Member, 'Do.Co.Mo.Mo. Greece'. Greek Commissioner and Co-Curator, "10th International Biennale of Architecture", Venice (2006). Project Manager, "Europe-Japan" (Tokyo 2006). Co-Curator, Conference "The Role of Philosophy in Architectural Education", University of Patras (2009). Curator, "6th Biennale of Young Greek Architects" (HIA 2010), "7th Biennale of Young Greek Architects" (HIA 2013). Research programs, "Residential architecture in 1930's Athens", "Drawing Course Program of Studies". Has participated in many international conferences and has published more than 100 articles. Books (ed.): Nikos Valsamakis 1950-83, Contemporary Industrial Design in Greece, History of Applied Arts, Architecture of the 20th c.: Greece (co-ed.), The Dispersed Urbanity of the Aegean Archipelago (co-ed.), ON: The Modern and the Contemporary in European and Japanese culture, Fassianos Building by Krokos (co-ed.), Kyriakos Krokos (coed.), The Role of Philosophy in Architectural Education, N. Valsamakis: 3 Residences, D. & S. Antonakakis: The Cretan Houses. Co-Editor, 9H and ΝΤΙΖΑΪΝ (GR Design Visual Communication Prize) magazines, cons. editor, Architecture in Greece, Design + Art in Greece. Architectural practice in Athens, since 1985. Co-founder, Sigma Design Ltd (1990-95), First State Prize for Industrial Design.