The studio will focus on the formation and integration of elements of political anatomy into the Architectural Discourse.
During the semester, the course will research the conceptual framework of body processing practices (Leisure, Therapeutic and Normalization Devices) and then will trace and analyze their spatial formation in order to critically re-articulate them in architectural terms.
Initially, students are encouraged to develop research tools to analyze and trace spatial formations and subsequently they will evaluate the outcome during the design phase.
The main goal of the course is to familiarize students with methodological tools of primary research through the analysis of research topics in related scientific areas and their subsequent correlation in the architectural practice, through tracing, representation and redesign of spatial devices.
The course comprises of a theoretical and a studio component. The theoretical component consists of lectures and in-depth seminars on key issues of architectural theory and design methodology. The studio component of the course is carried on by dividing the students into smaller groups. Design studios allow for direct communication between students and tutors. Teaching, also, involves criticism of the projects by the tutors and the students themselves.